Ideas to make relocating enjoyable

People usually consider moving one of the most stressful things a person can experience. There seems to be an increasing number of things you have to do and limited time to do it. But, moving to Florida is simply a project. And, as with every project, there is a way to make it easier and more enjoyable. We have come up with ways in which you can minimize the stress of the move and do the impossible. Make relocating enjoyable. Here is how you should approach it.

Make a playlist

First is the most obvious one. Since there are certain parts of the move, that require physical effort over a long period of time, you should add music to your work. Simply pick the music that you haven’t heard in a while and give yourself a tour of old classics. If that is not your speed, you can even listen to a new podcast or an audiobook. Just find something new, fun and not overly stimulating. Something you can listen to with not much focus. Something that is fun, but doesn’t require much focus. You will need your focus to avoid making moving mistakes.

Music can help make relocating enjoyable.

Gamify your move

Games are a great way and they can help make relocating enjoyable. Furthermore, there are many ways in which you can gamify your move. Start off by giving yourself achievements and reward. Every time you do something within a set time limit, reward yourself. A small treat from time to time can go a long way in keeping your spirits up. Also, you can try and make a story out of it. For instance, you are not packing your clothes. You are preparing vital equipment for an important war. Let your imagination run loose. Just like when you were a kid. The more you can relax and have fun while doing important stuff, like packing, the better you will do it.

Have a party

A good way to get yourself ready for the move is to throw a party. Start the move off in the right mood by inviting your friends and having a swell time. You can talk about all the different things you will experience after you relocate. That will give you something positive to look for and prepare you for the move ahead. Relax a little bit and have some fun. By letting off some steam you’ll be much more focused when the hassle of the move starts. And when you are finished moving, go visit some Florida clubs. Celebrate the important moments in life.

Friends make relocating enjoyable

Every physical work is more enjoyable if you do it with people who are close to you. This has been true since the dawn of time. People have been collaborating even before we knew how to speak. Therefore, the enjoyment in successful cooperation is wired into our genes. If you really want to make relocating enjoyable you should invite friends to help you out. But, even with that, there are some guidelines you need to follow in order to do it properly.

Friends helping with relocaiton
Just a couple of friends can help you move and help you a nice time doing so. But not everyone is going to be helpful. Be very careful when picking friends to help you move.

Consider who you invite

Not everyone is a team player. This is hard to deal with when you are an experienced group leader, and impossible in you are a rookie group leader. When you invite your friend to help you move, you need to be selective. We know that it can be hard to not invite a certain friend, but try to be honest with them and explain. Trust us. You do not want to have a slack off friend helping you move. Not only will he not pull his weight, but he will also irritate other friends which will make relocation much less enjoyable.

Be a leader

Once you have the right people helping you, it’s time to plan out the move. What you need to be is a good leader. Make sure that you have a comprehensive plan that is straightforward and efficient. Explain the plan to everyone and make sure that they understand it completely. Make sure that your friends are well organized. Once that is done, you can start relocation. Whether you will make relocating enjoyable or not is all dependent on your attitude. What you project as a leader you friends will pick up on and mimic. Therefore, you want to be fun, but industrious. Do that and your move will not only be fun, but it will also be efficient and properly done.

Remember the gamification

Gamifying your move is a sure way to make relocating enjoyable. But, if you combine working with friends and gamification, you are going to have the best move ever. In order for this to work, you need to be a little creative and do some extra planning. The idea is to create a game in which your friends can compete. And what they should be competing in is who can help you the most. You can simply say “The fastest person wins more beer!” or something like that, but it would be even better to make people work together. Give them a time limit and say that there is a nice reward if they finish before the time expires. Just do that and see them go.

Playing make relocating enjoyable
Everything becomes much easier when you think of it as a game.

Reward them

But, even if they do not finish before the time limit, reward them. They are helping you move and are probably costing you much less than that even the most cost-efficient moving and storage Florida services would. Don’t take that for granted. At least get them some pizza and beer and make them feel appreciated. Help them feel good for helping you, and they will always be there again to help you.

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I have had a wonderful experience and I recommend these Florida movers to everyone who could really use a helping hand. Honestly, I do not know how I would have managed everything without them. Thank you so much!

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