How to plan and organize a yard sale?

Sometimes we end up having too many items in our house. Those times can be pretty stressful especially if you are planning to move to a new location. Whether or not you will need those items depends on you. But most of the time, they will just take more space than needed. There are several ways to get rid of them, but now, we will talk about how you can organize a yard sale! This is one of the simplest ways to get rid of items. And at the same time, earn some money you will need for moving or something else.

 Plan when to organize a yard sale

One of the first things you must do is to decide the date and time of your yard sale. Most popular days for yard sales are Friday or Saturdays. If you are having a multiday yard sale then organize a yard sale on Thursday or Sunday. It all depends if your schedule allows you to do that. It is a smart idea to start early, so people can have more time to come over. That is a good thing since they won’t have to interrupt their plans and day to come to it. Because of that, more people can attend your yard sale. This is very important to do during hot summer weather! If you are organizing a sale during summer, do it in the morning or evening. That’s the period when the Sun is not so hot. Most typical time to run a yard sale is Friday at 6 a.m. till noon. Always try to organize your yard sale during spring or autumn when the weather isn’t extremely cold or hot. That way you can get more customers.

A calendar
Pick a date before you organize a yard sale


Gather all supplies for packing

This part is no different than moving process. Instead of just handling the items barehanded, try to collect as many materials for packing as possible. There are numerous household items you can use in protecting the items you want to sell such as:

  • Old newspapers, good for packing glass items or filling excess spaces in boxes. They are also good for protecting the inside part of your items.
  • Foam, sponges, and clothes are perfect for protecting wooden furniture
  • Towels, blankets, and pillows are excellent when it comes to protecting delicate things you wish to sell when you organize a yard sale.

Taking care of items you wish to sell will only show your customers that you did value them. And that is the best way to leave a good price on your items. This can come in handy when you are organizing a yard sale before you move. Those items you don’t sell will be taken care off by a good packing services Florida movers offer.

Use towels to protect breakable items

Gather and categorize the items you want to sell

Now that you got all the packing materials prepared it is time to gather, collect and categorize those items you want to sell. No one really knows what to tell you when you ask what you will sell. But one thing is for certain, if you didn’t use something for 3 months, you don’t really need it at all. That is like some unwritten rule that goes around with every household in the world. What you certainly can sell are clothes that are too small for you now, or too big. Same goes if you are moving to a newer smaller place. Your furniture surely won’t fit everywhere. Neither by style nor looks. This is why it is important to separate what you really think you wouldn’t need anymore. Don’t let yourself get attached to your items. In the end, they are just dead stuff, items. Instead, you should make a goal, like wanting to buy something. This is the best motivation you can get to sell unwanted items. This happens more than often. Especially if you are moving to warm places such as Orlando. Moving to Orlando should be another motivation for you!

Bunch of items from the house
Categorize and separate items before selling them

Always ask for help

It is probably for the best not to do these things alone! Mostly because all of your precious attention will be spread during those busy sale periods. Instead, ask a couple of friends for help! They can help you with the setup, selling, cleaning and furthermore, they can even add their own items for sale. Bigger the sale, more customers can come. This is the best way you all can get rid of all the items you do not need. They don’t have to help you only during the yard sale. There are a lot of other things they can help you with. Like for instance, advertising your yard sale in the neighborhood, packing them, labeling with prices which leads us to…

hands holding hands
Ask your friends for help!

Label your items 

Proper labeling is half the job. Especially when it comes to moving and yard sales. Use typical labels and put them on places they can be removed. Try to describe the items function if needed and place a clear price on it. That way, you will not get tangled with people asking so many questions because they are not certain what that item is for. Also, while you are waiting for a yard sale day, you can always store those items in some of the nearest storage units or its alternatives. Numerous ways to store your items can be very helpful when you wish to preserve them until you sell them.

After you finished all of this and prepared it all, you are ready for a yard sale. Organizing a yard sale isn’t as hard as it seems. Especially if you enlist the help of your friends. Make sure you are well prepared for your yard sale! And let the earned money be a motivation for you to get rid of the items you really do not need. Have anything to add? Did you organize a yard sale already? Give us some tips in the comment section below. We will keep in touch!

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